To start 2022 off art-wise, I created three pieces for Del Ray Artisans’ January show, with the theme “Little Monsters.” Here’s what the call for entry said about possible submissions:
We all know them—those little monsters that haunt, terrorize, or make us giggle. Maybe they’re tiny things with a million legs, green ogres from fairy tales, furry friends, or owls that go “hooooo” in the night. Perhaps your monster lives inside your head or is your next door neighbor. Let your imagination go wild and represent your monsters in the medium of your choice.
When I first read this, it didn’t resonate with me. Then I thought about all the times the glass hasn’t cut the way I wanted, or my prints didn’t turn out the way I hoped. So these are my three submissions to the show:
Not So Right Angles – shown above – I cut a lot of squares and rectangles for my mosaic pieces and crafts, and so many times, the glass doesn’t cooperate and I end up with trapezoids! I decided to use some of these cuts to create a mini-mural – still using up that stunning cobalt blue glass.
Beautiful Background – I love creating gel prints, but sometimes I end up with pieces that are just beautiful, but have no focal point. This creates a problem for me, as I see them as precious and have trouble figuring out what needs to be added or layered onto the piece to finish it. If you need any prints like this, let me know as I have quite a stash!
Spreading – Again, this piece was a gel print I did on black matboard that didn't turn out the way I thought it would. When I pulled the print, it looked a lot like mold to me – hence the name!
Since my submission, we lost power (once again!) during this last snow storm, and I was thinking I should have done a piece about rogue branches that take out power lines! In any case, here’s to a hopeful, happy New Year, one in which we all find ways to tame (and maybe frame?) our “little monsters”!