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It's Almost November!!!!


So awhile ago, at a doctor’s appointment, I was caught red-handed touching the artwork, as I tried to figure out how the artist achieved the amazing texture on this piece. Fortunately, the doctor didn’t seem to notice and the medical visit was brief, so I returned to my study of the artwork. I was guessing there were at least three or four layers to the piece and would have loved to have chatted with the artist to find out how he/she achieved the overall effect. (Don’t worry, my hands were clean and I’m sure the fixative on the piece prevented me from doing any damage!)

If you haven’t guessed it, I’m one of those people security guards follow around art museums and exhibits, because I’m always leaning in just a little too close for their liking, so I can see the details like brushstrokes and layers. I know many of my fellow artists are the same way. Once, when I was visiting the Phillips Collection (in DC) and my friend Victoria and I were in the Rothko room, she leaned over and said she thought she saw something on the painting. We called a docent over, and sure enough, somehow some salad dressing was splattered on the painting and they were going to have to clean it! Good eye Victoria!

This is one of the reasons I’m liking working as an Artist in Residence at Palette 22 – because I get to describe my process to anyone who stops by the art station and asks! I was a little stunned when I realized I haven’t written anything in my blog since June, but I think it’s largely because I’ve been so busy lately. I am going to be one of two featured artists at Palette 22 next month, and I’ve been working on what I would call an architectural series. These include pieces focused on the Eiffel Tower, the Sears Tower (sorry, never going to call it the Willis Tower), the Hancock Building, and a “do-over” of the Empire State Building. (We’ll see if I get these all done by next Tuesday!) If you’re in the area, I hope you can stop by sometime to see the pieces and I’d love to have you join me for a reception on Monday, November 20th from 6-9pm. Address is 4053 Campbell Ave, Arlington, VA 22206 and there is plenty of free parking in the various garages in the neighborhood.

I’m also doing a few holiday markets this year and I’ll be posting about those shortly. Thanks for visiting my page and hope to hear from you soon!

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