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  • artbyeileen

Personal Assistants!

Are you like me? Every time I stay for the credits at the end of a movie, I get terribly jealous of the various personal assistants listed for the movie stars. I sure could use one! I’m sure they’d help me keep my house neater, fix better food for myself and my family and keep my art spaces wonderfully organized so that I can be my creative best!

As it is, I find I keep losing pieces I’ve worked on or art supplies I really need for particular projects. For instance, inspired by the beauty of Skyline Drive after a hike with my daughter there last fall, I created several pieces using the Gelli print process. (See photo below.) But I can’t find it for the life of me! I know I had it back in March since I entered it into a show, so it has to be somewhere in our house…

Similarly, there are special plates I had been saving for a mosaic project and now that I’m ready to break them up (always a great stress reliever!), I can’t find them.

Then there’s the whole notion of keeping up with things in a timely manner, like this blog. Almost every time I get around to it, I can’t believe I’ve let so much time lapse in between posts. Other artists have told me there are apps you can get that will remind you to do that, but somehow I never get around to installing and using them…

Maybe we can all serve as each other’s assistants? Is there something you need to be nagged about? Perhaps I can nag you and you can nag me in return??? Just a thought. See you next post!

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